CTE and Work-Based Learning


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Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic knowledge and technical skills they need to gain entry into high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand industries.

CTE programs offer work-based learning experiences with hands-on learning to ensure students graduate with options.


Career and Technical Education Programs


Work-Based Learning - Go Beyond!

Visit the PSD Future Ready website for information about these opportunities:

  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Job Shadows
  • Paid work
  • Volunteerism
  • Virtual Mentors


Contact Information

Director, Career and Innovation
Tanya Alcaraz | 970-490-3652 | talcaraz@psdschools.org


Work-Based Learning Coordinators

Centennial High School
Emily Breese | ebreese@psdschools.org

Fort Collins High School
Pamela Davidson | pdavidso@psdschools.org

Fossil Ridge High School
Terra Thiebaut | tthiebau@psdschools.org

Polaris Expeditionary Learning School 
Emily Breese | ebreese@psdschools.org

Poudre Community Academy
Emily Breese | ebreese@psdschools.org

Poudre Global Academy 
Emily Breese | ebreese@psdschools.org

Poudre High School 
Wendy Tomaschow| wtomasch@psdschools.org

Rocky Mountain High School
Robert Papp | rpapp@psdschools.org

Timnath Middle High School
Shannon Smith | shannons@psdschools.org

Wellington Middle High School
Melissa Newbanks| mnewbanks@psdschools.org