Substitute Teachers

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(for hired subs)

Substitute Hiring

Licensed Substitutes:

A licensed substitute replaces a teacher when absent and must hold a valid Colorado teaching license, or a Colorado 1-year/3-year/5-year substitute authorization. Substitute licensure is obtained from the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). If you have questions about licensure, please contact CDE directly. You can reach them by submitting a licensing support request or by calling 720‐739‐ 3304 between 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

To apply for a licensed substitute teacher position, please access the PSD Job Listings and apply for the position titled “2024-25 Substitute - Licensed Pool”. Hiring events for substitute teachers will begin in September 2024 and will continue monthly through April 2025.

Please note that while hiring events for substitute teachers are ongoing, registration for current events is full. Any additional applications will be placed on a waitlist for future consideration.


2024-25 Substitute Pay

Licensed substitutes are paid a daily rate through PSD (monthly):

Full-Day Rate




Subs who worked less than 20 sub assignments in the 2024-2025 school year and hold a 1-year or 3-year sub authorization will be paid at this rate.



Once a sub works a minimum of 20 sub assignments in the 2024-2025 school year, they will be eligible for this rate of pay.


Or, if one of the following is true:

· Sub worked 80+ assignments in the 2023-2024 school year (licensed/classified), or

· Holds an active 5-year Sub Authorization, or

· Holds an active Teacher License



If a sub works a minimum of 80 assignments in the 2024-2025 school year OR is a PERA retiree, they will be eligible for this rate of pay.



Half day pay is prorated at 50% of the full day rate.


Subs may submit for a pay increase evaluation by completing the sub pay increase form at any point during the school year. Forms received by the last calendar day of the month will be considered for evaluation for the upcoming pay period. For example, if a submission is received by September 30th and is approved, the sub could expect an increase in pay for jobs starting on October 16th. To submit for a pay increase, please complete this form:


Classified Substitutes:

A classified substitute replaces a paraprofessional, crossing guard, media tech, health tech, office assistant or other classified positions. No teaching license is required for classified substitutes. 

PSD partners with ESS for classified sub coverage. ESS is a seasoned educational staffing agency dedicated to providing qualified and trained staff to school districts. ESS employees receive weekly pay, health benefits that begin on the first day of employment, ongoing training opportunities, special incentives, and bonus programs. ESS will continue hiring classified subs through the summer months! Please visit to learn more about ESS and apply to become an ESS substitute. The onboarding process consists of three easy steps, and the ESS team will be there to support you every step of the way. Start your application today by clicking here: For more information on classified subbing, please contact Emily Bolinger with ESS at


Classified substitutes are paid an hourly rate through ESS (weekly).

Crossing Guard
Non-Instructional Paraprofessional
Instructional Paraprofessional 
Media Tech 
Health Tech (Pre-approval required) 
Integrated Services Paraprofessional I 
Office Assistant 
504 Paraprofessional 
Integrated Services Early Childhood Paraprofessional 
Integrated Services Paraprofessional II 


*An additional $10 bonus will be awarded for each Integrated Services Para I/II, Integrated Services Early Childhood Para, and 504 Para assignments.


Mileage Rate for Mountain Schools: Classified and licensed subs who drive to schools in Livermore, Red Feather and Stove Prairie are compensated for mileage at 82 cents per mile.



SmartFind Mobile App Guide

• Substitute Guide to SmartFind Express  (available after PSD email account is set up. PSD’s district code for the SmartFind App is QRFX)
• Map of Schools
• School Calendar
• Substitute Employee Handbook
• Colorado Department of Education
• PSD School Directory
• District Policies 

Contact Information

Licensed Substitutes
Sub Support Team |

Classified Substitutes
Emily Bolinger - ESS Sub Support Specialist | | O: 970.490.3123 

Kristy Richards - ESS Regional Account Manager | | C: 602.694.0152