Graduation Requirements FAQS

To receive a high school diploma from Poudre School District, students must meet or exceed the district’s academic standards and measures required by Policy IKF-2017, which include college and career readiness measures and the PSD core credit requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't find what you're looking for or need more information, please contact your student's high school counselor.

General Questions

  • How do students demonstrate college and career readiness to meet Colorado graduation requirements?
    Students may demonstrate readiness in several ways. First, students may demonstrate readiness via an approved assessment (see the College and Career-Ready Measures web page) by receiving a score that meets or exceeds the criteria in both mathematics and English. Alternatively, a student could demonstrate college or career-readiness via an industry certificate, capstone project, or college course experience, such as concurrent enrollment.
  • Integrated Services: What accommodations exist within the college and career readiness measures for students with Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.)?
    For assessment options, students may use accommodations allowed within their IEP. Adapted capstone options are available as well.


To learn about assessment options available to students, visit the Assessment/Measures for Graduation web page. 

Captstone Projects / Classes

  • What grade level are capstone projects completed? While there is no criteria on what grade capstone projects may occur, a capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students, typically at the end of an academic program or learning-pathway experience, which often occur during the junior or senior year.
  • Does everyone do a capstone?This is a site-based decision. Some sites require all students to complete a capstone as part of their high school experience.
  • Can students use apprenticeships or internships as their capstone if they present to a panel of community members? Yes, if the referenced internships/apprenticeships meet the PSD capstone project guidelines. This is a determined on an individual basis.
  • Does a class taken through the PSD Career Tech Center count as a capstone?Yes, if the class meets the PSD capstone project guidelines. To learn about the PSD Career Tech Center, visit their web page. 

Industry Credentials

  • Which industry credentials count toward readiness measures for graduation? PSD accepts all industry-recognized certificates and counts them toward this requirement.
  • What industry-recognized credentials are offered in PSD? PSD currently offers industry-recognized credentials in Solidworks and ServSafe. Local colleges such as Front Range Community College and AIMS College also offer numerous industry certificates.

Concurrent Enrollment and other College Courses

  • What are Concurrent Enrollment (CE) courses and how can a student access them?Concurrent Enrollment courses are college level courses that allow high school students to earn both high school and college credit. Students can take CE courses at most PSD high schools, as well as at Front Range Community College, AIMS college, and Colorado State University. For more information, visit the PSD Concurrent Enrollment web page.

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