Graduation Ceremonies

Graduation caps in the air for Graduation 2024.
  • Fossil Ridge grads give the thumbs up at the ceremony.
    Fossil Ridge High School
  • FCHS grads sit together.
    Fort Collins High School
  • Centennial High School grad makes a heart with hands.
    Centennial High School
  • Opportunities Unlimited graduate with two family members.
    Opportunities Unlimited
  • Poudre Community Academy graduates and friends stick together.
    Poudre Community Academy
  • Poudre Global Academy graduates file in.
    Poudre Global Academy
  • Poudre High School grads throw their caps in the air.
    Poudre High School
  • C.A.M.P.U.S. and Community Connections celebration
    C.A.M.P.U.S. and Community Connections
  • Wellington Middle High School grads pose with the principal.
    Wellington Middle-High School
  • Poudre High School IB grad hugs a family member.
    Poudre High School IB Convocation
  • Cooper Home graduate talks with the program director.
    Cooper Home
  • Polaris Expeditionary Learning School grad shakes hand with the principal.
    Polaris Expeditionary Learning School
  • Project SEARCH graduates listen at their celebration.
    Project SEARCH
  • Rocky Mountain High School grad shows off diploma.
    Rocky Mountain High School

Contact Information


Please contact your school for more information about specific ceremonies and celebrations.