Highlights of the Feb. 13 PSD Now edition: Teacher Passion Student Action video Lincoln teacher makes books accessible for everyone Cell phone policy and…
All PSD non-charter school buildings will have a 2-hour delay on Thursday, Feb. 13, due to forecasted weather conditions. Remote learning will NOT take place. Lunch service will…
Dear Poudre School District Community,  Poudre School District (PSD) remains unwavering in our commitment to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment…
With over 1,900 classified employees in dozens of positions across the district, these staff serve a vital role in helping students, staff, and families. We could not support…
Your feedback is invaluable in helping Poudre School District improve the educational experience for all students. We invite you to take the 2025 PSD Family Engagement Survey,…
  Highlights of the Jan. 30 PSD Now edition: PSD graduation rate soars to new heights Talk with the superintendent Parent/Kinship Summit Feb. 22 Apply for PSD mill,…