504 and IEP Health Services 

Animated drawing of children with physical assistive devices.

Section 504 and Health Services

Section 504 requires Poudre School District to locate, evaluate and determine whether a student requires accommodations and/or other supports in order to access their education, making them eligible for a Section 504 Plan. A student should be referred for an evaluation for accommodation or services under Section 504 if:

1) it is suspected that the student has a mental or physical impairment that limits a major life activity, and

2)the student needs reasonable accommodations, aids, or educational services in order to access the general education curriculum as adequately as their nondisabled peers.

The following people can make a request for a Section 504 evaluation:
● PSD school personnel
● Parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student

Parents and guardians should address concerns with their student’s school. A school nurse may participate at a Section 504 meeting when health/medical support is needed and should be included from the initial evaluation. If students meet criteria in guideline 1 and guideline 2 listed below, the school nurse must be a part of the 504 team.  

Guideline 1: Health Condition/Impairment 

  • Chronic Health Condition: The student has an ongoing or recurring health issue, such as, but not limited to: A drawing of three children together.
    • Asthma
    • Allergies
    • Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)
    • Seizure Disorder
    • Sickle Cell Disease 
    • Cardiomyopathy 
    • Hemophilia 
    • Cerebral Palsy 
    • Spina Bifida 
  • A healthcare provider has prescribed medication and/or a treatment procedure for the student to control a condition, prevent illness, or restore health. 
  • The student has impaired mobility, chronic or temporary, which requires planning and  accommodations in the school environment to assure the student’s safety and comfort.

Medical Conditions and Attendance Challenges

A parent works with a child at home.

Homebound Services in PSDare appropriate for students with a documented medical or mental health condition that prohibits attendance at school for more than three weeks. This is a temporary placement to allow for continuity of education over a limited period of time.

PSD also offers a teen parenting program for students who are pregnant or parenting. Other alternative school options:

Find more information about these in the Alternative Schools/Programs web section.

Guideline 2: Nursing Services May Be Necessary for Student Access to District Programs and Activities 
All of the following guidelines below must be discussed and documented.

  • Nursing services that are required and go beyond that which is normally available to all students; 
  • Nursing services that support: 
    • The student’s ability to self-manage a condition (monitoring of direct services by  the school nurse) and safely participate in the educational program to his/her level  of safety and ability; or 
    • Daily functioning such as breathing, nutrition, urination, elimination, pain  management, skin integrity, physiological balance, etc.  
  • Nursing services that assist with medication per physician or healthcare provider documentation; and 
  • Nursing services that are necessary for the student’s educational and/or functional performance and cannot be directly provided by any other school personnel. 


IEPs and Health Services

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for PSD students are developed by a multidisciplinary team that evaluates a student’s need for specialized educational services. It addresses whether there is a need for specialized instruction by a special education teacher or other provider (i.e. SLP). A school nurse may be included as part of that team when a student has significant health needs along with challenges with learning related to academic and/or behavioral success. The school nurse is best prepared to take a detailed medical history and to identify how health care needs can best be met in the school setting.

Release of Information Forms

Contact Information

Health Services Coordinator
Kim Lowe | kgranger@psdschools.org | 970.490.3388

Nurses and Health Techs at Schools