Transportation audit results and recommendations being implemented

Last fall, Poudre School District enlisted the help of consulting firm the Center for Effective School Operations (CESO) to examine transportation-related practices and procedures in the district. CESO’s findings and recommendations were presented to the PSD Board of Education on June 11, 2024. 

PSD will implement or is already in the process of implementing every recommendation listed below, as well as other recommendations from CESO: 

  • Staff Training: Standardize training and onboarding procedures, incorporate standards and materials for Integrated Services paraprofessionals into bus operator and paraprofessional training as appropriate, use the Peaceful Bus Program training for bus management, and work with Human Resources to create a standardized interview questionnaire and provide leadership training to all transportation supervisors. 
  • Surveillance: Allocate bond money for a $1.9 million update of cameras and GPS technology on buses, review approximately one hour of video each week in a prioritized audit of bus cameras, and adopt a procedure for storing and requesting bus camera footage. 
  • Supervision: Implement a ticketing system for incidents and inquiries with a central inbox for submitting tickets and a database for storing tickets; create an Integrated Services Transportation Manager position and hire one additional Operations Manager; document accidents, feedback, and training in a driver’s personnel file; and formalize a mandatory coaching procedure for supervisors and trainers to observe a bus operator’s daily activity. 
  • Collaboration: Have bus operators and supervisors collaborate to address student behavior concerns with school administration; increase communication between Dispatch, Routing, and Planning staff; and continue monthly safety meetings. 
  • Procedures: Include standard operating procedures for fleet maintenance, routing and planning, and safety and training, plus an organizational chart with position descriptions, in a revised Transportation Operations Manual. 

The goal of each one of these recommendations is to increase safety, collaboration, and transparency in all PSD bus operations. Some of the above-mentioned actions are already taking place, and more are coming soon. We look forward to creating positive change and ensuring a better future for all staff and bus-riding students and families in PSD.