Free menstrual products to be available at PSD schools

In accordance with House Bill 24-1164, PSD is now required to provide free menstrual supplies (pads and tampons) to all menstruating students by the summer of 2028. A gradual deployment of dispensers and supplies has started, and free menstrual products will eventually be in all female-designated restrooms at all PSD middle and high schools (including locker rooms), as well as female-designated restrooms in fourth- and fifth-grade halls at PSD elementary schools and all single stall/gender-neutral restrooms in the district.  

It is estimated that in the United States, one in four menstruating children and adults miss school or work due to lack of access to supplies during their periods. This is particularly challenging for families with limited incomes, as products can be expensive. Discussing this with your child may help them understand why these products are being offered free of charge. If you haven’t already, you may also want to have a conversation with your student about proper use of products, such as not flushing them down toilets, and proper hygiene practices like not leaving tampons in for too long, which can lead to serious health problems. 

The dispensers for free products are like what you might find in a public restroom. If you have a younger child who asks you about these dispensers, we recommend answering the same way you would if they asked about a dispenser in a public restroom.   

PSD believes the provision of menstrual products will promote the health, dignity, and education equality for all menstruating students. While menstrual supplies will continue to be available in health rooms for students who feel more comfortable coming to the nurse or health tech, we look forward to this additional step to help students access needed supplies.