Wellington Middle-High School opened its halls to roughly 900 students in grades six through 10 for the 2022-23 school year.
Project Details

Location: 2856 Cleveland Ave., Wellington, CO 80549 (west of Interstate-25, at County Roads 9 and 62E)
Opens: Fall 2022
School name: Wellington Middle-High School
Principal: Troy Krotz
Serves: In the first year (2022-2023), the school will serve all middle school grades and some high school grades (likely 9th and 10th grades), with an additional high school grade being added each school year after opening. In the third year of operation (2024-2025), it will serve grades 6 though 12.
Designed enrollment: 1,500 students
Boundaries: Boundary Map for New Middle/High School at the Wellington Site
- Approximately 247,500 square feet
- Cost: $115-$130 million
- Features a performing arts area
- The new school will replace the current Wellington Middle School, which will be re-purposed when construction of the new school is completed. This building may possibly be converted to an intermediate school, housing grades 4 and 5 from both the Eyestone Elementary and Rice Elementary boundary areas.
- PSD purchase of Wellington land finalized January 2019
Preliminary schematic design: